Lillie’s Story

I know this may sound silly but when I first started my business, a lot of self-criticism made it’s way into my world and I believed people didn’t want to work with me because of my smile, I used to be so nervous meeting a new client because of how ‘goofy’ my teeth were. That takes me back, ‘goofy’ was a reference I would answer to back in school days. I’d lived with this insecurity my whole life. If I knew the person I wanted to be, the business I wanted to run, I had to do one thing. GET MY TEETH DONE!”
I approached Dental On The Banks shortly after they opened and I was stunned. Not just at the beautiful appearance but how the price was really no different to the average dental practice in Bournemouth and Poole, yet at Dental On The Banks – you’re not waiting half an hour later than you’re appointment time and there aren’t any creeks when you walk to the waiting room.
The service at Dental On The Banks is, in its best description, having afternoon tea at Fortnum & Mason. Let me talk this through. At the bottom we have the most perfectly homemade scones, still warm. You walk into DOTB and you’re greeted with the warmest smiles and service – your coffee is served quite literally but DOTB go a step further than Fortnum & Mason in this case and print your gorgeous face on the coffee. I know, crazy!
Let’s move up a level, those perfectly cut sandwiches – have you ever seen anything like it? I have. Dental On The Banks are pure perfectionists at what they do, they finely tune every tiny detail of your treatment, probably even details you didn’t notice yourself. Now we have the cutest little cakes, ok so you may have to cut out cake on your treatment plan; just kidding. With Invisalign you can remove your tray, eat, clean your teeth and pop your tray back in, nothing is coming between you and those cakes! Lastly, the endless sandwiches your waiter / waitress continuously comes around with, unlimited – THAT is the aftercare you get at Dental On The Banks. You aren’t a number, you are a name, a name that they remember and a name that they want to be in contact with and truly care about. Your teeth are like diamonds to DOTB.
That’s why I will never go to another dentist again. I‘ve met my match and you cannot begin to understand how amazing I feel when I smile now. No fear or self-criticism holding me back, your wellbeing is much more than you possibly think and it deserves more attention and investment than you possibly give it. Do not let anything hold you back from smiling and being your best version. After lockdown, please locate me at Fortnum & Mason showing off my Dental On The Banks smile.”