Dental on the banks
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20 Haven Road, Canford Cliffs
Poole, BH13 7LP


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    The Dental on the Banks Experience


    dental on the banks experience

    We are so glad to be back open to be able to see and treat all of our patients again! As our team is back in action with our enhanced PPE and protocols, you can continue your journey to get the smile of your dreams with the full Dental on the Banks experience. While there are some changes in place (such as no / less waiting in our lobby and we are unable to provide refreshments for now); our level of care for you and your smile remains higher than ever!

    Before you enter the practice, you will be able to check-in for your appointment digitally using your phone. We will also check-in with you two days before your appointment to make sure you are feeling well and have not been experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms. When you do come into the practice, your temperature will be taken and we will also provide you with a face covering, shoe coverings and hand sanitisation.

    Even though we are back open, we will still be offering FREE online consultations for all. In this way not only do we minimise contact, but you can also book in for a time and date that suits you to discuss your smile, your smile goals, interest free payment plans and more with our team! Simply follow this link to book:

    Online Consultations

    Braces / Invisalign (30mins)

    Composite Bonding (30mins)

    Dental Implants (30mins)

    Smile Makeover (30mins)

    Teeth Whitening (30mins)

    We are so glad to be back treating our patients and have made a video highlighting the beautiful clinic we have created in the beautiful Sandbanks location – you can watch this above!

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